Recently, my brother commented that my Prada bag looks like a dumpster bag and no one will steal it since people thought that it is not authentic. I have been using this bag for 6 years and I think I am used to the dirty sights, that's why I don't really mind the dirty issue. Few years back I have tried to wash it with soap powder but those black patches are still there, doesn't really help.
I am aware that there are shops that offer bag cleaning service but they charged an exorbitant price. As a result, I have been putting aside the cleaning task for years.
Two weeks ago, I finally decided to give it a try. So, I went down to the shop and asked for a quotation. To my little surprise, they quoted me S$140. After some bargain, I paid S$120 for the cleaning service. The shop is located in a mall and therefore they follow normal mall operation hours. The shop accepts credit cards or NETS. The cleaning service takes not more than 10 days. I received SMS before 10 days due informing me my bag is ready for collection.
I am satisfied with the result, all the black patches are gone and they look new again.
I am aware that there are shops that offer bag cleaning service but they charged an exorbitant price. As a result, I have been putting aside the cleaning task for years.
Two weeks ago, I finally decided to give it a try. So, I went down to the shop and asked for a quotation. To my little surprise, they quoted me S$140. After some bargain, I paid S$120 for the cleaning service. The shop is located in a mall and therefore they follow normal mall operation hours. The shop accepts credit cards or NETS. The cleaning service takes not more than 10 days. I received SMS before 10 days due informing me my bag is ready for collection.
I am satisfied with the result, all the black patches are gone and they look new again.
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